Totally Spies Hentai

Totally Spies Porn Story: Leos Queen for a Day – Chapter 3

Totally Spies Porn Story: Leos Queen for a Day – Chapter 3

Author’s note: Yeah, I’m out of the lag. Time to continue!

Chapter 3: War and Peace

“-tion,” I finished as two terrorist-looking men fled with the Queen Tassara impostor (a.k.a. Clover).

Alex and I blocked the exit. “Let her go!” Sam commanded.
No such luck. A green ray zapped the kidnappers and started to lift them into the air.
Sam acted quickly. She climbed onto a man’s shoulders and began scaling a curtain. From there, she tried to grab Clover, but the curtain ripped, sending her plummeting.

Alex and I managed to push a couch over to catch Sam just in time. Then, the ripped curtain fell on top of her.
“Are you okay?” Tassara asked as Alex and I removed the curtain.
“I’m fine,” Sam replied. “Wish I could say the same for Clover.”

At that moment, Akim rushed in. “Makeda has been kidnapped, too. I went to check on her, and she’s gone!”
We gasped.

We examined the floor, which was covered in a very familiar-looking green gunk. “Whoa,” Alex commented, “deja vu.”
“This is the same substance we found in the bedroom,” I added.
Sam stood up. “Let’s see if Jerry has any info on this stuff.” She opened her compowder and called Jerry.

Jerry seemed to be perfectly calm, and he was having some bread and coffee. “Good evening, ladies, and Leo. How’s the mission going?”
“Oh, it’s going great, Jer,” Alex responded. “Lyrobia is way cool!” She caught a glance from Sam. “I mean, except for the part where Clover and the Queen’s sister have been kidnapped.”
Jerry dropped his bread in his coffee. “Oh, my.”

Sam spoke up next. “So, do you have any info on the sample I sent you? I think it might help us find them.”
“Yes, actually, the residue. Apparently it’s some kind of magnetic compound found only in asteroids in outer space.”

“Asteroids? That’s strange.”
“And sad. I mean, just think of poor Clover. She hates outer space. She got a D in astronomy class.”
I blinked. “Doesn’t seem possible that Clover and Makeda are being held in outer space, though. There’s got to be another explanation. Tassara, what do you make of this?”

Tassara was quick on the draw. “I wonder if this has anything to do with the asteroid crater in the northern part of Lyrobia.”
“Bet it does,” I replied. “Fits together well, doesn’t it?”
“I guess we’ll find out when we get there,” Sam responded, closing her compowder. “Come on, Alex, and you too, Leo.”

Alex was a bit hesitant. “Wait! What about Queen Tassara?”
“I’m coming with you,” Tassara told us. “I’ve got to find Makeda; I feel responsible.”
I balked. “What? Are you crazy, Your Highness?”
“Leo’s right,” Sam explained. “It might not be safe.”
“Well, it isn’t exactly safe here,” the Queen reminded us.
“Good point,” Sam responded, as she and Alex pointed at each other for no apparent reason.

Sam was driving the RATVAT, with Alex and I as copilots. Tassara was in Clover’s seat.
Alex was enjoying the ride. “You know, the desert’s not all that bad when you don’t have to cross it on a stinky old camel.”
I concurred. “If there’s any way to cross the desert, it’s with- hey, what’s that beeping?”

The wind was picking up. The word SANDSTORM was flashing on the display in front of us.
“Forget what I said,” Alex corrected herself. “The desert sucks no matter how you cross it.”
“Get ready to dive!” Sam commanded as she, Alex, and Tassara buckled their seatbelts. (Mine was already buckled. I always buckle it; it’s become a reflex.)

The RATVAT burrowed under the desert sand, and the periscope went up. Alex was looking through the periscope. “Hey, cool!”
I rolled my eyes.

“Queen” Clover was trapped in a wooden box, and the lid was lifted. A fierce-looking man wearing purple removed the cloth that kept her mouth shut.

Clover was furious. “Is this any way to treat a queen?”
The man removed Clover’s wig, revealing her true identity. “That’s not the Queen, you fools! You’ve got the wrong girl! Go find Queen Tassara and bring her to me immediately!”

One of the man’s henchmen asked a question: “What should we do with this one?”
“She’s useless to us. Ship her to Siberia!”
The box’s lid was promptly replaced.

The RATVAT emerged from the dirt in a jungle-type area. “Well, I guess we can say goodbye to the RATVAT’s paint job,” I commented.
“This is it,” Tassara told us as we exited the RATVAT.

“Talk about a change of scenery,” Alex added, scanning the area with her Heat-Sensor 6000 infra-red motion-detector sunglasses.
Sam also had her Heat-Sensor 6000’s on. If there’s any activity around here, we should be able to find it with these.”

At that moment, Alex spotted something. “I see something across the crater. It’s coming this way. Maybe it’s the kidnappers.”
We rushed over to investigate. “I don’t see anything,” Sam told Alex.

As we pushed the foliage aside, we found what Alex had seen. I had time for just one sentence, and I made it good: “Alex, you dummy. That’s a lion!”

In a second, we were on the run from said lion, and some of his friends. We reached the edge of a pit. “Great,” I said. “Now how are we supposed to escape”?
The ground was loose, and it crumbled, dumping us down a slide into a mud puddle at the bottom of the pit. “Does that answer your question?” Alex said to me.

“I guess you finally got the mud mask you wanted,” Sam commented to Alex.

“Look!” Tassara said, pointing. We were looking at an area that had obviously been used recently.
“This must be it,” Alex commented as we explored the area. “I mean, it practically screams ‘bad guy hideout’.”

Sam found something on the floor. “This looks like the dust we found in Tassara’s room. Let’s check it out!”
We advanced, not noticing a security camera that emerged from a fake brick and stared at us.
The man in purple, who was watching us via the security system, spoke up. “Call off the search. The foolish girls have been nice enough to deliver the Queen right to our front door.”

“Maybe I was wrong,” Alex said, sitting on a crate. “It doesn’t look like anyone’s been in here for a hundred years.”
The crate shattered under Sam’s weight, and inside was guess who. “Hey!”

“Have you seen Makeda?”
Clover was no help. “I’m fine, thank you for asking. And no, I haven’t seen Makeda. I haven’t seen anything but the inside of this crate.”

I spoke up as Alex untied Clover. “Well then, where could she have ended up?”
A familiar voice interrupted us. “I’m right here.”

Tassara was overjoyed. “Oh! Makeda! You’re okay!”
“Yes.” Makeda pushed Tassara back over to us. “Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for you five.”
I was somewhat shocked. “And what is that supposed to mean?”

Another one of those anti-gravity rays hit the five of us, lifting us into the air and rendering us practically helpless. Tassara didn’t understand. “What’s this? What’s happening?”
“You’re being kidnapped once and for all!”

“But why?”
“How else can I stop you from going to Geneva and signing that treaty?”

I was furious. “How will you benefit from the continuation of the war?”
Makeda was more than happy to explain. “You see, if the war ends, I won’t be able to sell my anti-gravity guns to the general of Kenyopia.”

Sam asked the next question. “I don’t get it. Why would you sell weapons to the enemy?”
“It’s simple, really. I struck a deal. When Kenyopia wins the war, I’ll be queen of both countries. In fact, I’m going to Lyrobia’s weapons factory right now to finalize my deal with the General. Besides, it’s time you passed the crown.”

“But what about us?” Tassara asked. “You can’t just leave us floating here forever!”
“Don’t worry, sis. You won’t be floating for long.” Makeda set a bomb on the ground. “This place is rigged to explode in a matter of minutes.”

3:00 2:59 2:58

“So long, girls. And boy.”

Clover was not happy. “Great. Now what are we supposed to do?”
“Panic?” I suggested.
“Very funny, Leo,” Sam told me. “We’ve got to break the gravity field.”

“And how are we supposed to do that?” Alex reminded us. “The only devices we have left are these dumb bracelets, and Leo’s watch band. Which, may I add, are totally gaudy.”
Sam’s face suddenly brightened. “Alex, you are a genius!”
“I am? I mean, yes, I am! How am I a genius again?”
“Quick, everybody turn your bracelets on!”

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! We broke out of the anti-gravity field and collapsed on the ground.

0:07 0:06 0:05

“Anyone up for leaving?”
We all bolted, and managed to escape the full destructive force of the explosion. We didn’t escape getting blown through the air and landing in the mud again, though.

Alex emerged from the mud. “Okay, my pores are officially over-hydrated.”
“Stop messing around, Alex,” Sam said, “we’ve got to get to that weapons factory right away!”
“It’s hidden in Mt. Killalea,” Tassara told us. “I can take you there.”

We quickly found ourselves chased by lions again. “Quick,” Sam told us, “to the RATVAT!”

One chapter left!

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