TotallySpies Pornography Story: Shooting Starlet Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine
“Sam, wake up honey!”
Sam turned over under the comforter and tried to ignore her mother.
“Sam, come on. It’s time to get up.”
lowered the blankets and peeked out. The lights were off, and her
mother stood at the door with the light pouring in from the
hallway. She took one look out the window and pulled the blankets
back over her head.
“Come on, Sammie. You can’t stay in bed all day.”
Sam muttered from under the sheets, “Who says I can’t?”
“I do. Now let’s go.”
day was another day Sam counted towards being in high school. However,
every day was also another day she was in junior high.
“Why do I have to? There’s nothing important happening today.”
“Because it’s a great day today, Sam.” She heard her mother enter the room and walk over to her bed.